Christmas Panda

I love throwing shade.” – moi

This blog post is 19 days late. I wanted to write on the 1st of December how happy I am to finally be wrapping up my New Year’s Resolution to create art every day. There have been a couple of nights more than I care to admit where I just wanted to put something out.

But then there are those rare nights where I LOVE LOVE what I have done and just wish I had more time to put some more effort into the piece. I sketch, but wish to color it in Adobe Photoshop. I also know my work turns out different and for the better when I put more time into it.

I am not sure if my style has changed too much from day one. What I can say is I have a lot more confidence in my drawings. I love to draw cute things. I feel like I identified my style as simple and cartoon.

In 2018, I still plan to draw, but not be restricted by 24 hours.

This piece I didn’t have anything in mind. I started out thinking I wanted to draw a simple stocking and started out with the white rim of the hat. I then drew a face and knew I was going to draw a cute creature wearing a Santa hat. I thought maybe a brown bear, maybe a raccoon to be different, and it morphed into a panda bear. This piece is so simple, but I love it.

Thanks for reading! ❤

Cute World Problems – Chocolate

I need to figure out the rules of this world and it is a lot of fun. – moi

Recently listening to a Pencil Kings podcast I was introduced to special guest Fran Krause who created the webcomic Deep Dark Fears. It’s a webcomic based on irrational fears. I was inspired by Fran talking about how he spends 3 hours every Monday just working on his comic. I thought to myself I can and want to do that!

An idea that came to me was to create a webcomic based on adorable and cute creatures experiencing their own set of problems. The title would be  Cute World Problems.


The characters that came to mind are Teddy the Bear and Spark the Unicorn. For this webcomic I had to create a third character. I decided on a rabbit since I LOVE bunnies! My husband John suggested Bunbun the Rabbit. I’m still taking suggestions.

The comic to the left is one of the ideas I have to help give you and idea of Teddy the Bear. He does not like nicknames. I plan to create something similar for Spark and Bunbun.

I’m thinking maybe this webcomic can come out once a week on a Monday. We’ll see where this goes. I’m not sure how creative or funny I can be.

Thanks for reading! ❤

One Mic One Diva

One Mic One Diva – Inside/Out Buttery Rules

At Inside/Out Youth Services there are ground rules to keep the space safe. One of them is “One Mic One Diva” which means the only person speaking is the person with the mic. We used to use a stuffed reptile like creature named Mike. There was always debate if it was a lizard, alligator or dragon but we always knew his name was Mike. That is the inspiration from the title of the piece.

Tonight’s drawing is inspired by  google searching “dragon pug” after my husband had me searching for “mermaid pug.” Maybe I’ll dress up my pug this year as a dragon for Halloween. 🙂

Anyway I wanted to color this piece since I thought it was adorable. One piece of advice I want to give myself and others is it have to always be symmetrical, and especially if you are going for whimsical!

Sketch and final side-by-side below. Big difference huh? Thanks for reading! ❤